The local lunch
Today I am lunching with around 22 other people who were also members of the choir of St John's college Cambridge. I anticipate a very large age group. We are meeting at a pub called "5 miles from anywhere" in Upware near to Cambridge. Most of the organisation has been done by the Rev Christopher Robinson who was a member of the choir in the 50's.
This is the fourth meeting of "the local lunch" and certainly the largest.
12.30 saw nine people come together for lunch at " 5 miles from anywhere" in deepest Cambridgeshire.
Our group was made up of
Nan Guest
Alastair Roberts
Alex Riley
Christopher Goodwins and wife Doreen
Colin Shield
Francis Judd
Fabian Redpath
and myself.
We met and ate a very good value hearty lunch while looking out onto the river Cam. It was a first for a couple of people and I think everyone enjoyed them self.
It was good to meet old and new friends. Alex Riley told us he never hears anything from "College". Perhaps one to add to your database Caroline. Alex has had an interesting life, ending up as a wine importer and living in Longstanton.
I understand John Bull was unwell and consequently his party of five didn't make it, and Nan told us Jonathan Hellyer-Jones was also not feeling up to par and didn't manage to join us. Martin Redfearn had intended coming but cried off as he had business to attend to in Cardiff..... Perhaps next time Martin?
Fabian Redpath told us he now lives in Greenwich and is in contact with half a dozen old friends from the 70's and would be pleased to help organize a "London Local Lunch" at some time in the future
I will liase with Fabian and we will try to pull together a group for a lunch somewhere in London in the new year.
A big thank you has to go to Christopher Goodwins who took on the task of organising today and we were all pleased to see a 300% increase in attendance over our last meeting in Wicken Fen.
It was agreed that we would meet again at the same venue sometime towards the end of March/early April when if weather permitted we would be able to eat outside on the riverside.
I will keep you updated and let you know of future events
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